Atlantic Gums Corporation recognizes its obligation to adhere to the highest standards of integrity for its online visitors. We have developed certain privacy practices in order to maintain these standards and to comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
Atlantic Gums Corporation does not require visitors to submit personal information to visit our web sites; however, we do require visitors to submit information to request samples and/or information from Atlantic Gums Corporation. Atlantic Gums Corporation uses information submitted by visitors to respond to comments or questions and requests for samples, to send special messages regarding products or promotions, and for internal purposes. Atlantic Gums Corporation does not sell, rent, individually post or otherwise disclose any information about visitors to third parties for marketing purposes. Atlantic Gums Corporation may disclose personal information to comply with a subpoena or applicable law or process. We may hire trusted companies to help us with our web site, and those companies may have limited access to information for the sole purpose of performing their services, subject to confidentiality obligations.
If visitors send us any comments, suggestions, information, ideas, concepts, knowledge or techniques, Atlantic Gums Corporation is free to use the information worldwide, in perpetuity, without acknowledgement or compensation, for any purpose, including developing, manufacturing or marketing products and/or modifying or improving our web site(s).
This Privacy Policy may be modified by Atlantic Gums Corporation at any time by updating this posting. You are encouraged to check-back periodically to review the Privacy Policy.